Tuesday, August 21, 2012

WikiLeaks: End Your War On 9/11 Truth

“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, from the article, “Wanted by the CIA: Julian Assange – Wikileaks founder,” Belfast Telegraph, July 19, 2010. 
 “The US war on whistleblowers must end.” - Julian Assange, in a speech given from the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London on August 19, 2012.
Since when did WikiLeaks become the tip of the spear in the global war for truth, transparency, knowledge, and freedom? Did I miss something? An organization that rejects the truth that 9/11 was an inside job is not working to promote transparency, free speech, and truth, but more nefarious causes. Those who seek to marginalize the global 9/11 truth and justice movement are not on the right side of history. Assange lost all credibility when he made the statement in 2010 to the Belfast Telegraph that the 9/11 conspiracy theory is an example of “false conspiracies.” Reality disagrees.

People can choose to reject 9/11 conspiracy theories all they want, but they will not go away because they are based on hard facts and scientific data. The official 9/11 fable does not rest on solid foundations, but on totalitarian propaganda and trauma-based collective brainwashing. By endorsing the 9/11 fable, WikiLeaks proved itself to be a compromised organization that has no interest in revealing secret truths to the masses of the world.

II. WikiLeaks is False Advertising 

It is very suspicious that WikiLeaks is interested in releasing secret diplomatic cables that should not be aired out in public, rather than in broadcasting open source truths like the one about 9/11 being an inside job. Assange has the world’s ear and what does he say? He gives empty, generic slogans, and says nothing specific. On the WikiLeaks pulpit, Assange has never addressed the biggest scandal of modern intelligence operations and espionage, which is the 9/11 fraud and its subsequent cover-up. Objective truth-tellers cannot take such a person seriously. If the objective is to “embarrass the U.S. government” then WikiLeaks has been victorious. But this is a hollow and dishonorable victory. To me, embarrassing U.S. officials is not a worthy or noble objective. It is childish. Besides, top U.S. officials like Clinton, Holder, Geithner, and Obama embarrass themselves daily, and they do so just by speaking. You don’t even have to take their words out of context. Examples: all of Clinton’s remarks on the situation in Syria; and all of Obama’s remarks on the Wall Street fraud crisis. The objective of the global 9/11 truth and justice movement is not to embarrass U.S. officials, but to awaken the international community to its feet and discredit the mythical “clash of civilizations” that has caused the destruction of numerous innocent countries. This movement is educational and it is not at war with any government. It transcends petty loyalty to states and ideologies.

III. Putting A Hole In The Well-Crafted Mythos of WikiLeaks

It is easy to be deceived by the hype surrounding WikiLeaks. Its founder, Assange, says all the right words, claims to be at war with the American government and the powers that be, and presents himself as a knight in shining armor.

But what kind of Knight of Truth disowns the biggest truth movement in the world and mocks them as chasers after “false conspiracies”?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

22 Statistics That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed

The American Dream is being systematically destroyed right in front of our eyes and most Americans don’t even realize what is happening.  In the old days, if you were a hard worker and you played by the rules you could always find a good job.

That good job would enable you to buy a house, buy at least one car and support a family.  It would also enable you to take a couple of vacations each year and buy some nice things for your family.  After working for 30 or 40 years you would look forward to a comfortable retirement.  But these days fewer and fewer Americans are able to enjoy the American Dream.  Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now that is changing at a breathtaking pace.  Our economy is not producing nearly enough jobs for all of us anymore, and an increasing percentage of the jobs that are being produced pay 10 dollars an hour or less.  The cost of living continues to rise steadily every single year while wages do not.  Close to half of all American workers are living month to month, and many American families have gone deep into debt as they struggle to pay the bills.  Millions more Americans are falling into poverty each year and dependence on the government is at an all-time high.  Something is fundamentally wrong with our economy.  It is not working the way that it used to, and the middle class is being absolutely shredded.  Most American families are finding it harder and harder to make it through each passing year, and unless a miracle happens things are going to continue to get even harder.

The following are 22 statistics that prove that the American Dream is being systematically destroyed….
#1 As the economy has declined, the number of Americans living month to month has soared.  At this point, millions upon millions of Americans are living without any financial cushion whatsoever.  If you can believe it, one recent survey found that28 percent of all Americans do not have a single penny saved for emergencies.  Another survey found that 42 percent of all American workers are currently living paycheck to paycheck.
#2 Thanks to horribly oppressive regulations, red tape and taxes, it is incredibly difficult to run a successful small business in America today.  According to the Christian Science Monitor, more than half of all small business owners in America cannot even afford to put food on the table from their small business earnings….
A shocking figure from the Wave survey relates to how well the business owners were able to meet their basic needs through their business. An incredible 52% of American small business owners can’t put food on the table through the earnings from their business over the past twelve months.
Another recent survey found that 23 percent of all small business owners have gone an entire year without pay.
#3 In recent years U.S. families have experienced an astounding decline in wealth.  According to the Federal Reserve, the median net worth of families in the United States declined “from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010“.
#4 The U.S. economy is not producing nearly enough jobs for all of us at this point.  For example, it was reported that 20,000 people applied for just 877 jobs at a Hyundai plant in Montgomery, Alabama earlier this year.  Sadly, the official U.S. unemployment rate has been above 8 percent for 40 months in a row, and this is supposed to be “the recovery”.
#5 Eight million Americans have “left the labor force” since the recession supposedly ended.  If those Americans were added back into the unemployment figures, the unemployment rate would be somewhere up around 12 percent.
#6 Corporate profits as a percentage of GDP are at an all-time high.  Meanwhile, wages as a percentage of GDP are near anall-time low.
#7 The United States was once ranked #1 in the world in GDP per capita.  Today we have slipped to #12.
#8 Just paying for the basics is becoming increasingly difficult for many Americans.  For example, there are now 20.2 million Americans that spend more than half of their incomes on housing.  That represents a 46 percent increase from 2001.
#9 The average American household spent approximately $4,155 on gasoline during 2011, and electricity bills in the U.S. have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation for five years in a row.
#10 Health insurance continues to become more expensive.  Health insurance costs have risen by 23 percent since Barack Obama became president. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, health care costs accounted for just 9.5% of all personal consumption back in 1980.  Today they account for approximately 16.3%.
#11 As the cost of living goes up, wages continue to stagnate or even fall in many areas of the country.  Sadly, this is part of a long-term trend.  According to one study, between 1969 and 2009 the median wages earned by American men between the ages of 30 and 50 declined by 27 percent after you account for inflation.
#12 The percentage of low paying jobs just continues to increase.  At this point, one out of every four American workers has a job that pays $10 an hour or less.  If that sounds like a high figure, that is because it is.  Today, the United States actually has a higher percentage of workers doing low wage work than any other major industrialized nation does.
#13 Over the last several decades, the debt burdens being taken on by average Americans have absolutely exploded.  All of this debt is making things incredibly difficult on American families.  The following is from a recent CNN article….
In 1983, the bottom 95% had 62 cents of debt for every dollar they earned, according to research by two International Monetary Fund economists. But by 2007, the ratio had soared to $1.48 of debt for every $1 in earnings.
#14 During this time of the year, there are large numbers of new college graduates entering the work force.  Unfortunately, there are not nearly enough jobs for all of them.  In fact, approximately 53 percent of all U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed last year.
#15 Many young adults have found that they can’t make it on their own at all in this economy.  Today, approximately 25 million American adults are living with their parents.
#16 Wealth in this country is becoming highly concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.  Today, the wealthiest 1 percent of all Americans own more wealth than the bottom 95 percent combined.
#17 Increasingly, our country is being divided into “two Americas“.  According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans now have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.
#18 The rise in poverty is hitting children particularly hard.  If you can believe it, the poverty rate for children living in the United States is now 22 percent.  Large numbers of children in this country would go hungry without assistance.  At this point, approximately one-fourth of all American children are enrolled in the food stamp program.
#19 The more money the government spends on poverty, the more poverty seems to increase.  The federal government spent about 80 billion dollars on the food stamp program last year, but they can’t even tell us how that money is being spent.
#20 While Barack Obama has been president, the number of Americans on food stamps has increased from 32 million to 46 million.  But the Obama administration has decided that is not enough so they are spending taxpayer money on ads that will encourage even more Americans to go on food stamps….
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been running radio ads for the past four months encouraging those eligible to enroll. The campaign is targeted at the elderly, working poor, the unemployed and Hispanics.
The department is spending between $2.5 million and $3 million on paid spots, and free public service announcements are also airing. The campaign can be heard in California, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, and the New York metro area.
#21 As the middle class shrinks, the ranks of the poor continue to expand.  Sadly, at this point 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be “low income” or are living in poverty.
#22 More Americans are becoming dependent on the government than ever before.  According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, 49.1 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives financial benefits from the government.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prescription painkillers overtake car crashes as leading cause of accidental death in America

  • Follows celebrity deaths from painkillers including Michael Jackson and Heath Ledger
  • Non-medical prescription painkillers cost the U.S. economy $72.5billion a year
Prescription painkillers have topped car accidents as the leading cause of accidental death in the U.S., according to a new report.
Research by the National Center for Health Statistics show that drug poisoning is now a more common way to go than being killed on the road.
It follows recent celebrity deaths from painkillers, including Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith.

Prescription painkillers are now so popular in the U.S. that there has been a spike in armed robberies at pharmacies and some chemists are refusing to stock them.
The number of robberies has surged by 82 per cent since 2006, from 385 to 701 last year, with 3,500 pharmacies targeted by those desperate to get their hands on the drugs, according to Digg.com.

Without painkillers, such as OxyContin and Vicodin, minor aches and pains feel considerably worse for people addicted and withdrawal symptoms include depression, anxiety, and lethargy. 


The gap in life expectancy between whites and blacks in America is now the smallest ever, according to researchers in Canada.
White men can now expect to live to 76.2 years, and black men 70.8 years. White women can expect to live to 81.2 years and black women 77.5 years.
Researchers found that HIV and heart disease contributed to the narrowing of the gap alongside an increase in the number of deaths among white people from prescription drug abuse. 
Researchers at Montreal's McGill's University used data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other sources. 
They found heart disease, diabetes, homicide, HIV and infant mortality were the main reasons for the differences in life expectancy. 
After studying the data, they said more and more white people were dying 'unintentionally' from fatal drug poisoning, largely from opiates and other painkillers
Painkillers overtook car accidents as the leading cause of death back in 2008 but a report detailing the information has only just come out this month.
It shows that the number of people dying from the pills has tripled since 1980, while the number of car accidents has dropped by one-and-a-half times since that year.
In 2008, 41,000 Americans died from drug poisoning - 77 per cent of which were not intentional - compared to 38,000 road deaths. 
Between 1999 and 2008, the poisoning death rate increased by 90 per cent, while the road deaths decreased by 15 per cent.
Meanwhile, emergency department visits for prescription painkiller abuse or misuse have doubled in the last five years to nearly 500,000 and about 12 million American teenagers and adults use prescription painkillers to get 'high'. 
Nonmedical prescription painkillers costs the U.S. economy more than $72.5billion each year. 
The problem with prescription painkillers is worse in the U.S. due to a lack of regulation and a thriving black market. 
Experts said there is a lack of education surrounding the drugs and misconceptions over their use and how they should be managed. 
They also say pharmaceutical industry have introduced some 'questionable practices' in how the drugs are marketed. 
Some insurers say doctors have to explain why they have prescribed certain pills that exceed a 30-day supply, according to the website, while 40 states have systems to monitor who the drugs are supplied, although many of these are voluntary.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2162050/Prescription-painkillers-beat-car-crashes-leading-cause-accidental-death-America.html#ixzz1yNNQ81nC

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Empire's Double Edged Sword: Global Military + NGOs

Tearing down sovereign nations & replacing them with global system administrators.
by Tony Cartalucci

Part 1: Imperialism is Alive and Well

February 18, 2012 - The British Empire didn't just have a fleet that projected its hegemonic will across the planet, it possessed financial networks to consolidate global economic power, and system administrators to ensure the endless efficient flow of resources from distant lands back to London and into the pockets of England's monied elite. It was a well oiled machine, refined by centuries of experience.

While every schoolchild learns about the British Empire, it seems a common modern-day political malady for adults to believe that reality is organized as their history books were in school - in neat well defined chapters. This leads to the common misconception that the age of imperialism is somehow a closed-chapter in human history. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. Imperialism did not go extinct. It simply evolved.

Imperialism is alive & well

There are several pertinent examples illustrating how imperialism is still alive and well, and only cleverly disguised with updated nomenclatures. What we know today as "free trade" actually derives its origins from economic concessions the British frequently extorted from nations under its "gunboat diplomacy" strategy - that is, anchoring gunboats off the coast of a foreign capital, and threatening bombardment and military conquest if certain demands were not met.
Colonial Southeast Asia circa 1850's. Thailand/Siam
was never colonized but made many concessions.
In the mid-1800's, Thailand, then the Kingdom of Siam, was surrounded on all sides by colonized nations and in turn was made to concede to the British 1855 Bowring Treaty. See how many of these "gunboat policy" imposed concessions sound like today's "economic liberalization:"

1. Siam granted extraterritoriality to British subjects.
2. British could trade freely in all seaports and reside permanently in Bangkok.
3. British could buy and rent property in Bangkok.
4. British subjects could travel freely in the interior with passes provided by the consul.
5. Import and export duties were capped at 3%, except the duty-free opium and bullion.
6. British merchants were to be allowed to buy and sell directly with individual Siamese.

A more contemporary example would be the outright military conquest of Iraq and Paul Bremer's (CFR) economic reformation of the broken state. The Economist enumerates the neo-colonial "economic liberalization" of Iraq in a piece titled "Let's all go to the yard sale: If it all works out, Iraq will be a capitalist's dream:"

1. 100% ownership of Iraqi assets.
2. Full repatriation of profits.
3. Equal legal standing with local firms.
4. Foreign banks allowed to operate or buy into local banks.
5. Income and corporate taxes capped at 15%.
6. Universal tariffs slashed to 5%.

Nomenclatures aside, nothing has changed since 1855 as far as imperialist "wish-lists" go. The Economist argued, as would any 18-19th century imperialist, that Iraq needed foreign expertise to catch up, justifying the evisceration of their national sovereignty and the foreign stewardship (theft) of their resources. Unlike Siam, Iraq refused to concede to the "gunboats" of modern-day Wall Street & London, and often as the British did during the "glory days" of the empire, they made good on their threats.
The Anglo-Zulu War. Causus belli - diamonds & imperial expansion.   
 And just as the British did when they found diamonds beneath Zululand during the late-1800's, spurring them to invent a causus belli to justify the destruction of the Zulu Kingdom, the schemers of modern-day global imperialism likewise invented a dubious pretext to invade Iraq before commencing its plundering.

Anglo-Zulu War. Mission accomplished. The city of Ulandi burns and the British go about dividing Zululand into 14 chiefdoms led by compliant, obedient proxies. The British took great care to cultivate rivalries between the 14 chiefdoms to ensure they would never again unite and challenge British hegemonic ambitions throughout the region.
 At the conclusion of the Anglo-Zulu War, the British despoiled Zululand, divided it into 14 separate cheifdoms, each led by a proxy obedient to the British Empire. The British ensured that these 14 cheifdoms harbored animosities toward one another and fostered petty infighting between them to ensure British interests would never again be challenged by a unified Zulu threat. Today we see what seems to be the "accidental" consequences of military interventions leadeing to vicious, protracted fighting and in some cases civil wars, in Iraq, now in Libya (which also had a direct proxy installed as PM), Pakistan where plans exist to literally carve up the nation Zululand-style, and Syria. These are not accidental but intentional. Divide and conquer is a classic military stratagem that has not escaped the interests and attention of Wall Street & London.

Full article: http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2012/02/empires-double-edged-sword-global.html

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Take Action Now! Impeach Obama 2012! Join The National Campaign!


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Help Bring War Criminal Obama to Justice

This video is only one part of the larger effort to challenge this unconstitutional president and stop these illegal wars. Help get this video out to everyone you know and make this an election issue in 2012.
The need to bring about impeachment has become increasingly clear, as top officials now openly admit that they are taking orders from international bodies and deliberately ignoring the need for authorization from Congress. Obama’s actions in Libya were admittedly taken on behalf of the United Nations, violating the U.S. Constitution in spirit and law. Further, President Obama has wantonly expanded, not curtailed, the use of military in foreign adventures and moreover has broken every key promise he campaigned on [see The Obama Deception for more on this].

Impeach Obama 2012! Join The National Campaign!

Use this video as a starting point:
• Spread this video everywhere on Facebook, Twitter, your blogs, your video channels and other social media outlets. Alternately, hand out DVDs or show this video at a gathering.
• Contact your members of Congress and support efforts to hold the executive branch accountable.
• Check this link for a full listing with numbers and websites in alphabetical order by state,
• Or visit Contact the Congress to search for the representatives in your district and/or state.
• Alternately, write your Rep electronically here or send a physical letter to their office. If possible, visit their offices in person either at home or in D.C.
• Call the Congress Switchboard Phone Number:
United States Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121
• Call the White House Switchboard and/or Comment Line:
Switchboard: (202) 456-1414
Comments: (202) 456-1111
• Better still, start activism to get the public involved. Do banner hangs, hand out fliers, put up stickers, hold signs, talk to people in the streets. Remind them about the numerous ongoing wars; educate them about the Constitutional authorization needed for war and warn them that Presidents are now claiming international authority at the cost of risking the lives of our American boys– your sons and daughters.

Rep. Walter Jones introduced Resolution 107 in the House that statesshould the president use offensive military force without the authorization of Congress that such an act would be “an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor.”
Galaxy Nexus by Samsung Constitutional scholar and Ron Paul advisor Bruce Fein drafted articles of impeachment for President Obamalargely focused on the declaration of war issues in the wake of action in Libya last year. Ron Paul identified the Libyan action as impeachable, and even House Democrats like Jerrold Nadler likened Obama to an emperor.

The Secretary of Defense reiterates the treasonous claim that war authorization is optional, admitting that international authority is sought, but approval from the U.S. Congress is not.

Kurt Nimmo writes: Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said during questioning by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama that the Obama administration does not believe Congress has the exclusive right to declare war and that the Pentagon answers to the United Nations, not the people of the United States.
Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution reserves exclusively for Congress the power to declare war. Both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison argued that the power to declare war must reside in the legislative branch of government and the president will only act as the commander-in-chief and direct the war after it is declared by Congress.
“The constitution supposes, what the history of all governments demonstrates, that the executive is the branch of power most interested in war, and most prone to it. It has accordingly with studied care vested the question of war in the legislature,” Madison wrote.
Of course, the constitutional issues over war are only the LEADING reason to impeachment Barack Obama. With respect to time and serious focus, this video, narrated and written by Sean Stone, therefore focuses on five core issues, as we covered in previous articles.
Activists and individuals concerned with the direction of the nation drafted ‘Impeach Obama’ billboards, such as the one put up along Hwy. 41 in Oshkosh, WI reported on back in 2010. They were focused on Obama’s economic policies and their impact on small businesses.
The five core reasons for impeachment proceedings to be launched can be summarized as follows;
1) Despite promising otherwise, Barack Obama committed U.S. military resources to overthrow Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi without any kind of congressional authorization whatsoever and without citing any evidence that Libya under Gaddafi was a threat to the security of the United States. Furthermore, Obama brazenly undermined the power of Congress by insisting his authority came from the United Nations Security Council and that Congressional approval was not necessary. “I don’t even have to get to the Constitutional question,” Obama churlishly remarked.
2) On New Years Eve 2011, Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act which includes provisions that permit the abduction and military detention without trial of U.S. citizens. Despite Obama claiming he would not use the provisions to incarcerate U.S. citizens, it was his administration that specifically demanded these powers be included in the final NDAA bill.
3) The passage of the Obamacare bill, under which Americans will be forced to buy health insurance, is clearly anathema to the Constitution. “The individual mandate is unprecedented and exceeds Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce. If it is allowed to stand, Congress will be able to impose any kind of economic mandate as part of any kind of national regulatory scheme,”writes Ilya Shapiro, a Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies, Cato Institute.
DROID RAZR MAXX BY MOTOROLA 4) Obama’s role in the economic looting of America since he took office is unprecedented. Specifically, Obama violated the Constitution’s Takings and Due Process Clauses when he bullied the secured creditors of automaker Chrysler into accepting 30 cents on the dollar while politically connected labor unions and preferential others received better deals.
5) Finally, Obama’s use of signing statements shows his desire to continue in the vein of George W. Bush and rule by executive fiat. This is a direct violation of Article II of the Constitution.

Original article: 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

"Monsignors' mutiny" revealed by Vatican leaks

A bird passes overhead while Pope Benedict XVI leads
the Sunday angelus prayer in Saint Peter square at the
 Vatican February 12, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Tony Gentile
Call it Conspiracy City. Call it Scandal City. Call it Leak City. These days the holy city has been in the news for anything but holy reasons.

"It is a total mess," said one high-ranking Vatican official who spoke, like all others, on the condition of anonymity.

The Machiavellian manoeuvring and machinations that have come to light in the Vatican recently are worthy of a novel about a sinister power struggle at a mediaeval court.

Senior church officials interviewed this month said almost daily embarrassments that have put the Vatican on the defensive could force Pope Benedict to act to clean up the image of its administration - at a time when the church faces a deeper crisis of authority and relevance in the wider world.

Some of those sources said the outcome of a power struggle inside the Holy See may even have a longer-term effect, on the choice of the man to succeed Benedict when he dies.

Dragon Dictate for Mac 2.5 From leaked letters by an archbishop who was transferred after he blew the whistle on what he saw as a web of corruption and cronyism, to a leaked poison pen memo which puts a number of cardinals in a bad light, to new suspicions about its bank, Vatican spokesmen have had their work cut out responding.
Continue reading, '"Monsignors' mutiny" revealed by Vatican leaks,' at Global Freedom Technology Firm.